Thursday, October 1, 2009

What's my age again?

"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese." -Billie Burke

What is age? It seems to me that it's useless. Why does it matter how long you've been around? Why does it matter how much longer you have to go? These numbers mean nothing to a person who values the beauties in life fully. If you spend too much time worrying about what you have done in your time then you lose time to just relax. I like to think that I just go with everything. I don't wanna worry about what's gonna happen in a year or a decade. What is happening in the next 30 seconds? That's the question that should be asked.

When people ask the question "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?", I have no way to respond truthfully. I, honestly, don't think that there is any reason for me to worry about that. In ten years, I will be where my life has taken me. I will just follow the path on which I wander. That could mean that in ten years, I live in a box in a cold alleyway. It could also mean that in ten years I live in a two story mansion in the Hamptons. I will just keep moving through life and try to make the right turns to get to my dreams. That's all I can say. I can't determine what will come along further down the road.

But back to age. What is the significance of age? I'm 18 years old and, if the life expectancy is correct and I live to it, then I have a little more than 60 years left to live. But it's not really necessary to worry about those numbers. I could live til I'm 85 or I could live til I'm 35. There really is no telling. So if that's the case, then age is just a number of little significance placed onto something of much greater significance...your life. Is age something that should limit things that are crucial in life? Should age be allowed to limit the feelings of the heart? If a 30 year old man truly loves an 18 year old girl, is there age gap something that should strangle that love? I, personally, don't think that it should. If the two are truly in love, than age should not be a deciding factor. Unfortunately, the true nature of love is called into question in that particular case but that's something for a different entry.

So what is your age? Do you, honestly, think that it is something that is necessary to life? People always say "That makes me feel old!". If that is the case then forget your age. It just a number that is thrown around to organize. There is nothing more to it.

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